Friday, February 10, 2006

Wal-Mart will hopefully fight the good fight

This is from NARAL (pray for their conversion):

"Wal-Mart - the nation's largest retail pharmacy - has been denying millions of American women the opportunity to prevent unintended pregnancy. The store refuses to stock the "morning-after" pill, a back-up birth control option that prevents pregnancy after sex.

With your help, NARAL Pro-Choice America has been fighting this policy from every angle:

:: In the past year, our activists have generated 75,000 messages to Wal-Mart headquarters, asking the retail giant to reverse its policy.
:: Our affiliate, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts, recently joined three women plaintiffs who announced a suit against Wal-Mart for not stocking the morning-after pill.
:: And just last week, we signed onto a letter with Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the National Organization for Women, the National Council of Women's Organizations, and, urging Wal-Mart to change its policy (click here to read the statement

Our efforts are starting to pay off. On Friday, a Wal-Mart spokesperson told the Associated Press, "Women's health is a high priority for Wal-Mart, so clearly there are broader considerations and we are giving this a lot of thought." [Associated Press, 2/3/06]

We have to continue to push Wal-Mart to end its discriminatory policy once and for all. Help us convince Wal-Mart that they can only make women's health a priority by stocking the morning-after pill."

This is their sample script for a telephone call:

"I ask that Wal-Mart reverse its policy on denying emergency contraception, also known as the "morning-after" pill, to women across the country. I hope you will reconsider your policy and make your customers' health - and rights - your top priority. Thank you.""


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